Modern broncholytic and expectorant therapy in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases

V. N. Solopov, N. A. Kolganova, A. G. Chuchalin


Correction of the obstructive syndrome in patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases using modern broncholysants and expectorants is considered. The chief mechanisms of the formation of the obstructive syndrome (bronchospastic and obturation ones as a result of mucociliary transport disorder) are described. The authors propose a scheme of differential clinicolaboratory diagnosis of the above mechanisms of bronchial permeability disorder. Modern broncholysants and expectorants are characterized, mechanisms of their action and practical aspects of their application in chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases are discussed.

«Terapevticheskiy Archiv», 1987, N12, p. 96-99.

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